of the most common mistakes that leads to an unsuccessful remediation
program is an inaccurate and generalized CSM. These generalized CSMs
often rely on composite groundwater samples from the entire saturated
water column and limited or aged soil analytical data. GEE’s approach to
successful remediation in unconsolidated media (overburden) is to
conduct an RDC to obtain both spatially and vertically dense soil and
groundwater analytical data to increase resolution, determine
contaminant gradients, and variability in aquifer properties due to
geologic heterogeneity.
data gaps in consolidated media (bedrock) must also be filled in order
to effectively mitigate contaminant risk in these regimes. Accurate
assessment of the aquifer matrix and discrete interrogation of
transmissive features is critical to surgically emplacement of
amendments to contact contaminant transport and storage zones. GEE
combines geological interpretation of the aquifer matrix,
well-established geophysical tools and techniques, and unique
groundwater sampling methods developed in-house to gain a deeper
understanding of site-specific contaminant fate and transport.
Finally, GEE utilizes the RPI Project Support Laboratory
located in Golden, Colorado to provide no-cost analytical support for
domestic and international projects. This remarkable resource eliminates
traditional limitations of finite analytical data acquisition.