Green Earth Services

Technologies & Approaches

AT GEE, WE CONSIDER OURSELVES ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS WITH BOOTS ON THE GROUND WHO DON’T MIND GETTING DIRTY. Since our inception in 1993, GEE has provided remedial solutions that are both innovative and effective. In 2000 we began to focus attention on the emerging in-situ remediation market and the products being introduced into the marketplace. Early applications included in-situ chemical oxidants and biostimulation reagents. In 2005 we performed our first large scale slurry application, installing 105 tons of micro scale ZVI and an electron donor. Over time we noticed that some of the chemistries in the market were being misapplied, were poorly designed based on flawed site models, or were not flexible enough to address both source and dissolved plume areas.

In 2006 we teamed with Remediation Products Inc. (RPI) to tackle our first Trap & Treat® project using the BOS 200® technology. Our eyes were opened after completing the remedial design characterization (RDC) to revamp the conceptual site model (CSM) and develop a surgical injection/remediation strategy. After this first project was granted a No Further Action designation, many more success stories followed. Over time AST developed a close relationship with RPI and in 2011 was designated as the Master Installer and Distributor of the Trap & Treat® products BOS 100®, BOS 200®, and CAT 100. In this role, responsibilities range from selecting and training all authorized installers, developing injection methodologies and equipment for proper installation, project evaluations and surgical injection approaches, and distribution of the products

Green Earth Construction Inc.

We are active in Finland, UK, France, Italy, South Africa, and Puerto Rico

01865 524 8503 or Contact Us